Anhub Metaverse

Anhub Metaverse is a live Web 3.0 platform by focusing on the following next-generation Internet development:

1) AI Crash Courses for various subjects of Art, Science, History, World, Politics, Health, Sports, Entainments & Hot Events;

2) Metaverse High Education Channel for Business, Economics, IT, AI/ChatGPT, Analytics, Social and Environment, & Global Leadership;  

3) Metaverse Digital Twining like Global Venturing, Smart X, & M2M Automation; 

4) Metaverse Entertainment like Global Virtual Travelling, Virtual Sports, & 3D/4D Gaming & Movies; 

5) Metaverse Business like Global Supply Chains, Retailing, & New Customer Experiencing.

Please ask our Anhub Education Online ChatBot to for any Subject @ 24 x 7; she is very Smart and Knowledgeable for you:

AnhubMeta888 - a Hugging Face Space by Samuelxm 

<iframe src = "" width="888" height="666"></iframe>

Please Anhub Wather Chatbot which you can ask any worldwide city weather condition now by clicking the following link:

WeatherBot - a Hugging Face Space by Samuelxm 

Please visit and enjoy Anhub Crash Courses and many Metaverse Videos & Live Streaming here: